Google Scholar
Bechtold, E., and K. Nüsslein. Evolutionary History Impacts Phyllosphere Community Assembly on Forage Grasses. Submitted
Bechtold, E., S. Ryan, S. Moughan, Ravi Ranjan, and K. Nüsslein. Drought Stress Drives Phyllosphere Community Assembly and Response to Stress on Common Tropical and Temperate Forage Grasses. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Lammel, D.R., Nüsslein, K., Cerri, C.E., Veresoglou, S., and Rillig, M.C. Soil biota shift with land use change from pristine rainforest and Savannah (Cerrado) to agriculture in southern Amazonia. Molecular Ecology
Gontijo, J.B., Paula, F.S., Venturini, A.M., Yoshiura, C.A., Borges, C.D., Moura, J.M.S., Bohannan, B.J., Nüsslein, K., Rodrigues, J.L.M. and Tsai, S.M., 2021. Not just a methane source: Amazonian floodplain sediments harbour a high diversity of methanotrophs with different metabolic capabilities. Molecular Ecology
Durrer, A., Margenot, A.J., Silva, L.C., Bohannan, B.J., Nüsslein, K., van Haren, J., Andreote, F.D., Parikh, S.J. and Rodrigues, J.L.M., 2021. Beyond total carbon: conversion of amazon forest to pasture alters indicators of soil C cycling. Biogeochemistry, 152(2), pp.179-194.
Kroeger, M.E., L Meredith, K.M. Meyer, K. Webster, P. Barbosa de Camargo, L. Fonseca de Souza, S. M. Tsai, J. van Haren, S. Saleska, B. J.M. Bohannan, J. L.Mazza Rodrigues, E. Berenguer, J. Barlow and K. Nüsslein. Rainforest-to-pasture conversion activates soil methanogenesis across the Brazilian Amazon. 2020. ISME J.
Meyer, K.M., Morris, A., Webster, K., Klein, A.M., Kroeger, M.E., Meredith, L., Braendholt, A., Nakamura, F., Venturini, A., de Souza, L.F. and Shek, K.L., Danielson, R., van Haren, J., de Camargo, P.B., Tsai, S.M., Dini-Andreote, F., de Mauro, J.M.S., Barlow, J., Berenguer, E., Nüsslein, K., Saleska, S., Rodrigues J.L.M., Bohannan, B.J.M. 2020. Belowground changes to community structure alter methane-cycling dynamics in Amazonia. Environment International 145:106131.
Mirza, B. S., D.J. McGlinn, B. J.M. Bohannan, K. Nüsslein, J. M. Tiedje, and J. L. M. Rodrigues. Diazotrophs show signs of restoration in Amazon rainforest soils with ecosystem rehabilitation. 2020. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 86(10), e00195-20
Kroeger, M. and K. Nüsslein. 2019. Stable Isotope Probing - Detection of Active Microbes in Soil. Book Chapter In: van Elsas, Trevors, Rosado, and Nannipieri (eds.) Modern Soil Microbiology, 3rd Edition, CRC Press. ISBN 9781498763530
Khan, MA Wadud, Brendan JM Bohannan, Klaus Nüsslein, James M. Tiedje, Susannah G. Tringe, Eloi Parlade, Albert Barberán, and Jorge LM Rodrigues. 2019. Deforestation impacts network co-occurrence patterns of microbial communities in Amazon soils. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95, no. 2 (2018): fiy230
Kroeger ME, Delmont TO, Eren AM, Meyer KM, Guo J, Khan K, Rodrigues JLM, Bohannan BJM, Tringe SG, Borges CD, Tiedje JM, Tsai SM, and Nüsslein K. 2018. New Biological Insights Into How Deforestation in Amazonia Affects Soil Microbial Communities Using Metagenomics and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Meyer, K. M., A. M. Klein, J. L. M. Rodrigues, K. Nüsslein, S. Tringe, B.J. Mirza, J. M. Tiedje, and B. J.M. Bohannan. 2017. Conversion of Amazon rainforest to agriculture alters community traits of methane-cycling organisms. Molecular Ecology 26(6): 1547–1556.
Nüsslein, K., and O. P. Dhankher. 2016. Project management: Food security needs social-science input. Nature 535 (7610): 37-37.
Vriezen, J. A. C., C. M. Finn, and K. Nüsslein. 2016. Consequences of elevated salt concentrations on expression profiles in the rhizobium S. meliloti 1021 likely involved in heat and desiccation stress. In F. J. de Brujn (ed.), Stress and Environmental Regulation of Gene Expression and Adaptation in Bacteria. John Wiley & Sons. 2016. Chapter 12.1, p. 695-708. ISBN: 978-1-119-00488-2.
Victor Satler Pylro, Tsai Siu Mui, Jack Gilbert, Penny Ruth Hirsch, Jorge Luiz Mazza Rodrigues, Adhemar Zerlotini, Alan Roberto Romaniuc, Alessandro de Mello Varani, Alexandre Morais do Amaral, Eliana Gertrudes de Macedo Lemos, Fernando Dini Andreote, Gabriela Frois Duarte, Isabel Kinney Ferreira de Miranda Santos, Jose Fernando Machado Menten, Leandro Carrijo Cintra, Lucy Seldin, Luis Eduardo Aranha Camargo, Luiz Lehmann Coutinho, Maike Rossmann, Marcela Pellegrini Peçanha, Marcos Rogério Tótola, Maria Magali Stelato, Poliana Giachetto, Rodrigo Mendes, Ronaldo Alves Pinto Nagen, Vania Melo, Welington Luiz de Araújo, Brendan Bohannan, Christoph Tebbe, Garret Suen, Gregory Caporaso, Ian Clark, Jan Dirk van Elsas, Kabir Peay, Klaus Nüsslein, Leonardo Erijman, Luis Gabriel Wall, Michael Birkett, Niels O. Verhulst, Pascal Simonet, Philip Hugenholtz, Rob Knight, Robert A. Edwards, Timothy Mauchline, Timothy M. Vogel, Ulisses Nunes da Rocha, Hugo Miguel Preto de Morais Sarmento, Luiz Fernando Wurdig Roesch. 2016. “A step forward to empower global microbiome research through local leaderships” Trends in Microbiology 24(10):767-771.
Hamaoui, G. S. Jr., J. L. M. Rodrigues, B. J. M. Bohannan, J. M. Tiedje, and K. Nüsslein. 2016. Land-Use Drives Abundance and Community Structure Alterations of Thaumarchaeal Ammonia Oxidizers in Tropical Rainforest Soils in Rondônia, Brazil. Applied Soil Ecology 107: 48–56.
Mueller, R. C., J. L. Rodrigues, K. Nüsslein, and B. J. Bohannan. 2016. Land use change in the Amazon rainforest favors generalist fungi. Functional Ecology 30:1845–1853.
Navarrete, A. A., A. M. Venturini, K. M. Meyer, A. Klein, J. M. Tiedje, B. J. M. Bohannan, K. Nüsslein, S. M. Tsai, J. L. M. Rodrigues. 2015. Differential response of Acidobacteria subgroups to forest-to-pasture conversion and their biogeographic patterns in the western Brazilian Amazon. Frontiers Microbiology 6:1443. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01443
Lammel, D. R., B. Feigl, C. C. Cerri, and K. Nüsslein. 2015. Specific microbial gene abundances and soil parameters contribute to C, N, and greenhouse gas process rates after land use change in Southern Amazonian Soils. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6: Article 1057.
Ranjan, K., F. Paula, R. Mueller, E. Jesus, K. Cenciani, B.J.M. Bohannan, K. Nüsslein, and J.L.M. Rodrigues. 2015. Forest-to-Pasture Conversion Increases the Diversity of the Phylum Verrucomicrobia in Amazon Rainforest Soils. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6: Article 779.
Fang, B., S. Gon, K. Nüsslein, and M. M. Santoro. 2015. Surfaces for Competitive Selective Bacterial Capture from Protein Solutions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(19):10275–10282.
Fang B, Jiang Y, Nüsslein K, Rotello VM, Santore MM. 2015. Antimicrobial surfaces containing cationic nanoparticles: how immobilized, clustered, and protruding cationic charge presentation affects killing activity and kinetics.. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 125:255-63.
Nüsslein K, Izquierdo J. 2015. Variation in diazotrophic community structure in forest soils reflects land use history.. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 80:1-8.
Nüsslein K, Lammel D, Tsai SM, Cerri CC. 2015. Land use, soil and litter chemistry drive bacterial community structures in samples of the rainforest and Cerrado (Brazilian Savannah) biomes in Southern Amazonia.. European Journal of Soil Biology. 66:32-29.
Baek K, Wang M, McKeever R, Rieber K, Park C, Nüsslein K. 2014. Biodegradation of low concentrations of 1,2-dibromoethane in groundwater is enhanced by phenol.. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 98(3):1329-38.
Fang B, Jiang Y, Rotello VM, Nüsslein K, Santore MM. 2014. Easy come easy go: surfaces containing immobilized nanoparticles or isolated polycation chains facilitate removal of captured Staphylococcus aureus by retarding bacterial bond maturation.. ACS Nano. 8(2):1180-90.
Mirza BS, Potisap C, Nüsslein K, Bohannan BJM, Rodrigues JLM. 2014. Response of free-living nitrogen-fixing microorganisms to land use change in the Amazon rainforest.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 80(1):281-8.
Mueller RC, Paula FS, Mirza BS, Rodrigues JLM, Nüsslein K, Bohannan BJM. 2014. Links between plant and fungal communities across a deforestation chronosequence in the Amazon rainforest.. ISME J. 8(7):1548-50.
Paula FS, Rodrigues JLM, Zhou J, Wu L, Mueller RC, Mirza BS, Bohannan BJM, Nüsslein K, Deng Y, Tiedje JM et al.. 2014. Land use change alters functional gene diversity, composition and abundance in Amazon forest soil microbial communities.. Mol Ecol. 23(12):2988-99.
Rodrigues JLM, Pellizari VH, Mueller R, Baek K, Jesus Eda C, Paula FS, Mirza B, Hamaoui GS, Tsai SMui, Feigl B et al.. 2013. Conversion of the Amazon rainforest to agriculture results in biotic homogenization of soil bacterial communities.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(3):988-93.
Vriezen JAC, de Bruijn FJ, Nüsslein K. 2013. Identification and characterization of a NaCl-responsive genetic locus involved in survival during desiccation in Sinorhizobium meliloti.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 79(18):5693-700.
Baek K, McKeever R, Rieber K, Sheppard D, Park C, Ergas SJ, Nüsslein K. 2012. Molecular approach to evaluate biostimulation of 1,2-dibromoethane in contaminated groundwater.. Bioresour Technol. 123C:207-213.
Boles AR, Conneely T, McKeever R, Nixon P, Nüsslein KR, Ergas SJ. 2012. Performance of a pilot-scale packed bed reactor for perchlorate reduction using a sulfur oxidizing bacterial consortium.. Biotechnol Bioeng. 109(3):637-46.
Fang B, Gon S, Park M-H, Kumar K-N, Rotello VM, Nüsslein K, Santore MM. 2012. Using flow to switch the valency of bacterial capture on engineered surfaces containing immobilized nanoparticles.. Langmuir. 28(20):7803-10.
Gon S, Kumar K-N, Nüsslein K, Santore MM. 2012. How Bacteria Adhere to Brushy PEG Surfaces: Clinging to Flaws and Compressing the Brush.. Macromolecules. 45(20):8373-8381.
Li Y, Kumar KN, Dabkowski JM, Corrigan M, Scott RW, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2012. New bactericidal surgical suture coating.. Langmuir. 28(33):12134-9.
McKeever R, Sheppard D, Nüsslein K, Baek K-H, Rieber K, Ergas SJ, Forbes R, Hilyard M, Park C. 2012. Biodegradation of ethylene dibromide (1,2-dibromoethane [EDB]) in microcosms simulating in situ and biostimulated conditions.. J Hazard Mater. 209-210:92-8.
Unal B, Perry V R, Sheth M, Gomez-Alvarez V, Chin K-J, Nüsslein K. 2012. Trace elements affect methanogenic activity and diversity in enrichments from subsurface coal bed produced water.. Front Microbiol. 3:175.
Vriezen J A, de Bruijn FJ, Nüsslein KR. 2012. Desiccation induces viable but Non-Culturable cells in Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021.. AMB Express. 2(1):6.
Fang B, Gon S, Park M, Kumar K-N, Rotello VM, Nusslein K, Santore MM. 2011. Bacterial adhesion on hybrid cationic nanoparticle-polymer brush surfaces: ionic strength tunes capture from monovalent to multivalent binding.. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 87(1):109-15.
Kalasin S, Dabkowski J, Nüsslein K, Santore MM. 2010. The role of nano-scale heterogeneous electrostatic interactions in initial bacterial adhesion from flow: a case study with Staphylococcus aureus.. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 76(2):489-95.
Stout L, Nüsslein K. 2010. Biotechnological potential of aquatic plant-microbe interactions.. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 21(3):339-45.
Stout LM, Dodova EN, Tyson JF, Nüsslein K. 2010. Phytoprotective influence of bacteria on growth and cadmium accumulation in the aquatic plant Lemna minor.. Water Res. 44(17):4970-9.
Colak S, Nelson CF, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2009. Hydrophilic modifications of an amphiphilic polynorbornene and the effects on its hemolytic and antibacterial activity.. Biomacromolecules. 10(2):353-9.
Gabriel GJ, Maegerlein JA, Nelson CF, Dabkowski JM, Eren T, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2009. Comparison of facially amphiphilic versus segregated monomers in the design of antibacterial copolymers.. Chemistry. 15(2):433-9.
Lienkamp K, Madkour AE, Kumar K-N, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2009. Antimicrobial polymers prepared by ring-opening metathesis polymerization: manipulating antimicrobial properties by organic counterion and charge density variation.. Chemistry. 15(43):11715-22.
Lienkamp K, Kumar K-N, Som A, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2009. "Doubly selective" antimicrobial polymers: how do they differentiate between bacteria? Chemistry. 15(43):11710-4.
Madkour AE, Dabkowski JM, Nusslein K, Tew GN. 2009. Fast disinfecting antimicrobial surfaces.. Langmuir. 25(2):1060-7.
Sahu AK, Conneely T, Nüsslein KR, Ergas SJ. 2009. Biological perchlorate reduction in packed bed reactors using elemental sulfur.. Environ Sci Technol. 43(12):4466-71.
Sahu AK, Conneely T, Nüsslein K, Ergas SJ. 2009. Hydrogenotrophic denitrification and perchlorate reduction in ion exchange brines using membrane biofilm reactors.. Biotechnol Bioeng. 104(3):483-91.
Al-Badri ZM, Som A, Lyon S, Nelson CF, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2008. Investigating the effect of increasing charge density on the hemolytic activity of synthetic antimicrobial polymers.. Biomacromolecules. 9(10):2805-10.
Gabriel GJ, Madkour AE, Dabkowski JM, Nelson CF, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2008. Synthetic mimic of antimicrobial peptide with nonmembrane-disrupting antibacterial properties.. Biomacromolecules. 9(11):2980-3.
Lienkamp K, Madkour AE, Musante A, Nelson CF, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2008. Antimicrobial polymers prepared by ROMP with unprecedented selectivity: a molecular construction kit approach.. J Am Chem Soc. 130(30):9836-43.
Gibney BP, Nüsslein K. 2007. Arsenic sequestration by nitrate respiring microbial communities in urban lake sediments.. Chemosphere. 70(2):329-36.
Gomez-Alvarez V, King GM, Nüsslein K. 2007. Comparative bacterial diversity in recent Hawaiian volcanic deposits of different ages.. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 60(1):60-73.
Vriezen J A, de Bruijn FJ, Nüsslein K. 2007. Responses of rhizobia to desiccation in relation to osmotic stress, oxygen, and temperature.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 73(11):3451-9.
Waldron PJ, Petsch ST, Martini AM, Nüsslein K. 2007. Salinity constraints on subsurface archaeal diversity and methanogenesis in sedimentary rock rich in organic matter. Appl Environ Microbiol. 73(13):4171-9.
Izquierdo JA, Nüsslein K. 2006. Distribution of extensive nifH gene diversity across physical soil microenvironments.. Microb Ecol. 51(4):441-52.
Nüsslein K, Arnt L, Rennie J, Owens C, Tew GN. 2006. Broad-spectrum antibacterial activity by a novel abiogenic peptide mimic. Microbiology. 152(Pt 7):1913-8.
Vriezen JAC, de Bruijn FJ, Nüsslein K. 2006. Desiccation responses and survival of Sinorhizobium meliloti USDA 1021 in relation to growth phase, temperature, chloride and sulfate availability. Lett Appl Microbiol. 42(2):172-8.
Rennie J, Arnt L, Tang H, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2005. Simple oligomers as antimicrobial peptide mimics.. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 32(7):296-300.
Stout LM, Nüsslein K. 2005. Shifts in rhizoplane communities of aquatic plants after cadmium exposure.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 71(5):2484-92.
Bechtold, E., S. Ryan, S. Moughan, Ravi Ranjan, and K. Nüsslein. Drought Stress Drives Phyllosphere Community Assembly and Response to Stress on Common Tropical and Temperate Forage Grasses. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Lammel, D.R., Nüsslein, K., Cerri, C.E., Veresoglou, S., and Rillig, M.C. Soil biota shift with land use change from pristine rainforest and Savannah (Cerrado) to agriculture in southern Amazonia. Molecular Ecology
Gontijo, J.B., Paula, F.S., Venturini, A.M., Yoshiura, C.A., Borges, C.D., Moura, J.M.S., Bohannan, B.J., Nüsslein, K., Rodrigues, J.L.M. and Tsai, S.M., 2021. Not just a methane source: Amazonian floodplain sediments harbour a high diversity of methanotrophs with different metabolic capabilities. Molecular Ecology
Durrer, A., Margenot, A.J., Silva, L.C., Bohannan, B.J., Nüsslein, K., van Haren, J., Andreote, F.D., Parikh, S.J. and Rodrigues, J.L.M., 2021. Beyond total carbon: conversion of amazon forest to pasture alters indicators of soil C cycling. Biogeochemistry, 152(2), pp.179-194.
Kroeger, M.E., L Meredith, K.M. Meyer, K. Webster, P. Barbosa de Camargo, L. Fonseca de Souza, S. M. Tsai, J. van Haren, S. Saleska, B. J.M. Bohannan, J. L.Mazza Rodrigues, E. Berenguer, J. Barlow and K. Nüsslein. Rainforest-to-pasture conversion activates soil methanogenesis across the Brazilian Amazon. 2020. ISME J.
Meyer, K.M., Morris, A., Webster, K., Klein, A.M., Kroeger, M.E., Meredith, L., Braendholt, A., Nakamura, F., Venturini, A., de Souza, L.F. and Shek, K.L., Danielson, R., van Haren, J., de Camargo, P.B., Tsai, S.M., Dini-Andreote, F., de Mauro, J.M.S., Barlow, J., Berenguer, E., Nüsslein, K., Saleska, S., Rodrigues J.L.M., Bohannan, B.J.M. 2020. Belowground changes to community structure alter methane-cycling dynamics in Amazonia. Environment International 145:106131.
Mirza, B. S., D.J. McGlinn, B. J.M. Bohannan, K. Nüsslein, J. M. Tiedje, and J. L. M. Rodrigues. Diazotrophs show signs of restoration in Amazon rainforest soils with ecosystem rehabilitation. 2020. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 86(10), e00195-20
Kroeger, M. and K. Nüsslein. 2019. Stable Isotope Probing - Detection of Active Microbes in Soil. Book Chapter In: van Elsas, Trevors, Rosado, and Nannipieri (eds.) Modern Soil Microbiology, 3rd Edition, CRC Press. ISBN 9781498763530
Khan, MA Wadud, Brendan JM Bohannan, Klaus Nüsslein, James M. Tiedje, Susannah G. Tringe, Eloi Parlade, Albert Barberán, and Jorge LM Rodrigues. 2019. Deforestation impacts network co-occurrence patterns of microbial communities in Amazon soils. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95, no. 2 (2018): fiy230
Kroeger ME, Delmont TO, Eren AM, Meyer KM, Guo J, Khan K, Rodrigues JLM, Bohannan BJM, Tringe SG, Borges CD, Tiedje JM, Tsai SM, and Nüsslein K. 2018. New Biological Insights Into How Deforestation in Amazonia Affects Soil Microbial Communities Using Metagenomics and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Meyer, K. M., A. M. Klein, J. L. M. Rodrigues, K. Nüsslein, S. Tringe, B.J. Mirza, J. M. Tiedje, and B. J.M. Bohannan. 2017. Conversion of Amazon rainforest to agriculture alters community traits of methane-cycling organisms. Molecular Ecology 26(6): 1547–1556.
Nüsslein, K., and O. P. Dhankher. 2016. Project management: Food security needs social-science input. Nature 535 (7610): 37-37.
Vriezen, J. A. C., C. M. Finn, and K. Nüsslein. 2016. Consequences of elevated salt concentrations on expression profiles in the rhizobium S. meliloti 1021 likely involved in heat and desiccation stress. In F. J. de Brujn (ed.), Stress and Environmental Regulation of Gene Expression and Adaptation in Bacteria. John Wiley & Sons. 2016. Chapter 12.1, p. 695-708. ISBN: 978-1-119-00488-2.
Victor Satler Pylro, Tsai Siu Mui, Jack Gilbert, Penny Ruth Hirsch, Jorge Luiz Mazza Rodrigues, Adhemar Zerlotini, Alan Roberto Romaniuc, Alessandro de Mello Varani, Alexandre Morais do Amaral, Eliana Gertrudes de Macedo Lemos, Fernando Dini Andreote, Gabriela Frois Duarte, Isabel Kinney Ferreira de Miranda Santos, Jose Fernando Machado Menten, Leandro Carrijo Cintra, Lucy Seldin, Luis Eduardo Aranha Camargo, Luiz Lehmann Coutinho, Maike Rossmann, Marcela Pellegrini Peçanha, Marcos Rogério Tótola, Maria Magali Stelato, Poliana Giachetto, Rodrigo Mendes, Ronaldo Alves Pinto Nagen, Vania Melo, Welington Luiz de Araújo, Brendan Bohannan, Christoph Tebbe, Garret Suen, Gregory Caporaso, Ian Clark, Jan Dirk van Elsas, Kabir Peay, Klaus Nüsslein, Leonardo Erijman, Luis Gabriel Wall, Michael Birkett, Niels O. Verhulst, Pascal Simonet, Philip Hugenholtz, Rob Knight, Robert A. Edwards, Timothy Mauchline, Timothy M. Vogel, Ulisses Nunes da Rocha, Hugo Miguel Preto de Morais Sarmento, Luiz Fernando Wurdig Roesch. 2016. “A step forward to empower global microbiome research through local leaderships” Trends in Microbiology 24(10):767-771.
Hamaoui, G. S. Jr., J. L. M. Rodrigues, B. J. M. Bohannan, J. M. Tiedje, and K. Nüsslein. 2016. Land-Use Drives Abundance and Community Structure Alterations of Thaumarchaeal Ammonia Oxidizers in Tropical Rainforest Soils in Rondônia, Brazil. Applied Soil Ecology 107: 48–56.
Mueller, R. C., J. L. Rodrigues, K. Nüsslein, and B. J. Bohannan. 2016. Land use change in the Amazon rainforest favors generalist fungi. Functional Ecology 30:1845–1853.
Navarrete, A. A., A. M. Venturini, K. M. Meyer, A. Klein, J. M. Tiedje, B. J. M. Bohannan, K. Nüsslein, S. M. Tsai, J. L. M. Rodrigues. 2015. Differential response of Acidobacteria subgroups to forest-to-pasture conversion and their biogeographic patterns in the western Brazilian Amazon. Frontiers Microbiology 6:1443. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01443
Lammel, D. R., B. Feigl, C. C. Cerri, and K. Nüsslein. 2015. Specific microbial gene abundances and soil parameters contribute to C, N, and greenhouse gas process rates after land use change in Southern Amazonian Soils. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6: Article 1057.
Ranjan, K., F. Paula, R. Mueller, E. Jesus, K. Cenciani, B.J.M. Bohannan, K. Nüsslein, and J.L.M. Rodrigues. 2015. Forest-to-Pasture Conversion Increases the Diversity of the Phylum Verrucomicrobia in Amazon Rainforest Soils. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6: Article 779.
Fang, B., S. Gon, K. Nüsslein, and M. M. Santoro. 2015. Surfaces for Competitive Selective Bacterial Capture from Protein Solutions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(19):10275–10282.
Fang B, Jiang Y, Nüsslein K, Rotello VM, Santore MM. 2015. Antimicrobial surfaces containing cationic nanoparticles: how immobilized, clustered, and protruding cationic charge presentation affects killing activity and kinetics.. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 125:255-63.
Nüsslein K, Izquierdo J. 2015. Variation in diazotrophic community structure in forest soils reflects land use history.. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 80:1-8.
Nüsslein K, Lammel D, Tsai SM, Cerri CC. 2015. Land use, soil and litter chemistry drive bacterial community structures in samples of the rainforest and Cerrado (Brazilian Savannah) biomes in Southern Amazonia.. European Journal of Soil Biology. 66:32-29.
Baek K, Wang M, McKeever R, Rieber K, Park C, Nüsslein K. 2014. Biodegradation of low concentrations of 1,2-dibromoethane in groundwater is enhanced by phenol.. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 98(3):1329-38.
Fang B, Jiang Y, Rotello VM, Nüsslein K, Santore MM. 2014. Easy come easy go: surfaces containing immobilized nanoparticles or isolated polycation chains facilitate removal of captured Staphylococcus aureus by retarding bacterial bond maturation.. ACS Nano. 8(2):1180-90.
Mirza BS, Potisap C, Nüsslein K, Bohannan BJM, Rodrigues JLM. 2014. Response of free-living nitrogen-fixing microorganisms to land use change in the Amazon rainforest.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 80(1):281-8.
Mueller RC, Paula FS, Mirza BS, Rodrigues JLM, Nüsslein K, Bohannan BJM. 2014. Links between plant and fungal communities across a deforestation chronosequence in the Amazon rainforest.. ISME J. 8(7):1548-50.
Paula FS, Rodrigues JLM, Zhou J, Wu L, Mueller RC, Mirza BS, Bohannan BJM, Nüsslein K, Deng Y, Tiedje JM et al.. 2014. Land use change alters functional gene diversity, composition and abundance in Amazon forest soil microbial communities.. Mol Ecol. 23(12):2988-99.
Rodrigues JLM, Pellizari VH, Mueller R, Baek K, Jesus Eda C, Paula FS, Mirza B, Hamaoui GS, Tsai SMui, Feigl B et al.. 2013. Conversion of the Amazon rainforest to agriculture results in biotic homogenization of soil bacterial communities.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(3):988-93.
Vriezen JAC, de Bruijn FJ, Nüsslein K. 2013. Identification and characterization of a NaCl-responsive genetic locus involved in survival during desiccation in Sinorhizobium meliloti.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 79(18):5693-700.
Baek K, McKeever R, Rieber K, Sheppard D, Park C, Ergas SJ, Nüsslein K. 2012. Molecular approach to evaluate biostimulation of 1,2-dibromoethane in contaminated groundwater.. Bioresour Technol. 123C:207-213.
Boles AR, Conneely T, McKeever R, Nixon P, Nüsslein KR, Ergas SJ. 2012. Performance of a pilot-scale packed bed reactor for perchlorate reduction using a sulfur oxidizing bacterial consortium.. Biotechnol Bioeng. 109(3):637-46.
Fang B, Gon S, Park M-H, Kumar K-N, Rotello VM, Nüsslein K, Santore MM. 2012. Using flow to switch the valency of bacterial capture on engineered surfaces containing immobilized nanoparticles.. Langmuir. 28(20):7803-10.
Gon S, Kumar K-N, Nüsslein K, Santore MM. 2012. How Bacteria Adhere to Brushy PEG Surfaces: Clinging to Flaws and Compressing the Brush.. Macromolecules. 45(20):8373-8381.
Li Y, Kumar KN, Dabkowski JM, Corrigan M, Scott RW, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2012. New bactericidal surgical suture coating.. Langmuir. 28(33):12134-9.
McKeever R, Sheppard D, Nüsslein K, Baek K-H, Rieber K, Ergas SJ, Forbes R, Hilyard M, Park C. 2012. Biodegradation of ethylene dibromide (1,2-dibromoethane [EDB]) in microcosms simulating in situ and biostimulated conditions.. J Hazard Mater. 209-210:92-8.
Unal B, Perry V R, Sheth M, Gomez-Alvarez V, Chin K-J, Nüsslein K. 2012. Trace elements affect methanogenic activity and diversity in enrichments from subsurface coal bed produced water.. Front Microbiol. 3:175.
Vriezen J A, de Bruijn FJ, Nüsslein KR. 2012. Desiccation induces viable but Non-Culturable cells in Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021.. AMB Express. 2(1):6.
Fang B, Gon S, Park M, Kumar K-N, Rotello VM, Nusslein K, Santore MM. 2011. Bacterial adhesion on hybrid cationic nanoparticle-polymer brush surfaces: ionic strength tunes capture from monovalent to multivalent binding.. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 87(1):109-15.
Kalasin S, Dabkowski J, Nüsslein K, Santore MM. 2010. The role of nano-scale heterogeneous electrostatic interactions in initial bacterial adhesion from flow: a case study with Staphylococcus aureus.. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 76(2):489-95.
Stout L, Nüsslein K. 2010. Biotechnological potential of aquatic plant-microbe interactions.. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 21(3):339-45.
Stout LM, Dodova EN, Tyson JF, Nüsslein K. 2010. Phytoprotective influence of bacteria on growth and cadmium accumulation in the aquatic plant Lemna minor.. Water Res. 44(17):4970-9.
Colak S, Nelson CF, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2009. Hydrophilic modifications of an amphiphilic polynorbornene and the effects on its hemolytic and antibacterial activity.. Biomacromolecules. 10(2):353-9.
Gabriel GJ, Maegerlein JA, Nelson CF, Dabkowski JM, Eren T, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2009. Comparison of facially amphiphilic versus segregated monomers in the design of antibacterial copolymers.. Chemistry. 15(2):433-9.
Lienkamp K, Madkour AE, Kumar K-N, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2009. Antimicrobial polymers prepared by ring-opening metathesis polymerization: manipulating antimicrobial properties by organic counterion and charge density variation.. Chemistry. 15(43):11715-22.
Lienkamp K, Kumar K-N, Som A, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2009. "Doubly selective" antimicrobial polymers: how do they differentiate between bacteria? Chemistry. 15(43):11710-4.
Madkour AE, Dabkowski JM, Nusslein K, Tew GN. 2009. Fast disinfecting antimicrobial surfaces.. Langmuir. 25(2):1060-7.
Sahu AK, Conneely T, Nüsslein KR, Ergas SJ. 2009. Biological perchlorate reduction in packed bed reactors using elemental sulfur.. Environ Sci Technol. 43(12):4466-71.
Sahu AK, Conneely T, Nüsslein K, Ergas SJ. 2009. Hydrogenotrophic denitrification and perchlorate reduction in ion exchange brines using membrane biofilm reactors.. Biotechnol Bioeng. 104(3):483-91.
Al-Badri ZM, Som A, Lyon S, Nelson CF, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2008. Investigating the effect of increasing charge density on the hemolytic activity of synthetic antimicrobial polymers.. Biomacromolecules. 9(10):2805-10.
Gabriel GJ, Madkour AE, Dabkowski JM, Nelson CF, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2008. Synthetic mimic of antimicrobial peptide with nonmembrane-disrupting antibacterial properties.. Biomacromolecules. 9(11):2980-3.
Lienkamp K, Madkour AE, Musante A, Nelson CF, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2008. Antimicrobial polymers prepared by ROMP with unprecedented selectivity: a molecular construction kit approach.. J Am Chem Soc. 130(30):9836-43.
Gibney BP, Nüsslein K. 2007. Arsenic sequestration by nitrate respiring microbial communities in urban lake sediments.. Chemosphere. 70(2):329-36.
Gomez-Alvarez V, King GM, Nüsslein K. 2007. Comparative bacterial diversity in recent Hawaiian volcanic deposits of different ages.. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 60(1):60-73.
Vriezen J A, de Bruijn FJ, Nüsslein K. 2007. Responses of rhizobia to desiccation in relation to osmotic stress, oxygen, and temperature.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 73(11):3451-9.
Waldron PJ, Petsch ST, Martini AM, Nüsslein K. 2007. Salinity constraints on subsurface archaeal diversity and methanogenesis in sedimentary rock rich in organic matter. Appl Environ Microbiol. 73(13):4171-9.
Izquierdo JA, Nüsslein K. 2006. Distribution of extensive nifH gene diversity across physical soil microenvironments.. Microb Ecol. 51(4):441-52.
Nüsslein K, Arnt L, Rennie J, Owens C, Tew GN. 2006. Broad-spectrum antibacterial activity by a novel abiogenic peptide mimic. Microbiology. 152(Pt 7):1913-8.
Vriezen JAC, de Bruijn FJ, Nüsslein K. 2006. Desiccation responses and survival of Sinorhizobium meliloti USDA 1021 in relation to growth phase, temperature, chloride and sulfate availability. Lett Appl Microbiol. 42(2):172-8.
Rennie J, Arnt L, Tang H, Nüsslein K, Tew GN. 2005. Simple oligomers as antimicrobial peptide mimics.. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 32(7):296-300.
Stout LM, Nüsslein K. 2005. Shifts in rhizoplane communities of aquatic plants after cadmium exposure.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 71(5):2484-92.