Newly Developed
MICBIO 440 - Microbial Ecology and Evolution (co-taught with K. DeAngelis)
A new senior level course designed to introduce students to evolutionary aspects of microbes and ecological principals applied to microbial lifestyles, based on peer reviewed literature and lectures.
MICBIO 562 - Environmental Biotechnology
A new senior/graduate level laboratory course designed to introduce students to traditional and molecular methods strategically applied to problems related to microbial biotechnology and environmental microbiology.
MICBIO 597E - Environmental Microbiology (co-taught with K. DeAngelis)
A new senior/graduate level lecture course designed to introduce students of biology and environmental sciences to the vital roles that microbes play in sustaining life on Earth.
ENVSCI 535 - Methods of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Laboratory (co-taught)
A new laboratory segment on microbial bioremediation of herbicides within a team taught course for senior level undergraduates in the Environmental Sciences program.
MICBIO 311 - Foundations in Microbiology (for Microbiology Majors; co-taught with S. Sandler)
Overview of the microbial world including an introduction to microbial physiology, ecology, genetics, and pathogenesis.
MICBIO 197K - Microbes in the Environment (co-taught with S. Goodwin)
A new undergraduate level lecture course designed to introduce students to the vital roles that microbes play in sustaining life on Earth.
IE 494W - Integrated Experience: Microbes and Climate Change
An interactive overview of microbial involvement in greenhouse gas development and consumption, and all aspects to understand it using the undergraduate STEM education.
Existing Courses Taught
MICBIO 680 - Advanced Microbial Physiology (co-taught with J. Holden)
Detailed microbial physiology for graduate students including newest publications. Includes proposal preparation and defense.
MICBIO 480 - Microbial Diversity and Physiology (co-taught with B. Compton)
Microbial physiology for upper undergraduates and an overview of all aspects of microbial diversity.
MICBIO 310 - General Microbiology (co-taught with M. Walkowicz)
Overview of the microbial world including an introduction to microbial physiology, ecology, genetics, and pathogenesis.
MICBIO 312 - General Microbiology Laboratory
An undergaduate lab course focusing on basic methods of enrichment, isolation of bacterial and fungal species, with overviews on spore formation, bacteriophages, motility, mutations and enzyme induction.
MICBIO 255 - Introduction to Medical Microbiology
Basic concepts of microbiology with emphasis on microbial pathogenesis and immunology.
Journal Seminars
MICBIO 697D- Microbiology of Acid Mine Drainage Journal Club
A interdisciplinary graduate level discussion session on recent publications related to the microbiology, geochemistry, and hydrology of acidic mine drainage.
MICBIO 797E- Microbial Ecology Journal Club
A graduate level discussion session on recent publications related to microbial ecology and applied environmental microbiology.
MICBIO 797B- Microbial Aspects of BioGeochemistry Journal Club
An interdisciplinary graduate level discussion session on recent publications related to the impact of microbes on biogeochemical processes.
MICBIO 791A – Departmental Seminar Series
Our Department has a seminar series where invited speakers and Graduate students present and discuss their most recent findings in weekly meetings. All Graduate students attend.
‘Microbial Diversity and Metagenomics: Science, Technology, & Applications’
Short Course Quito, Ecuador October 2009
‘Molecular Microbial Ecology Approaches to Bioremediation Techniques’
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. August 2003
‘Application of Molecular Probes in Microbial Ecology’
University of Puerto Rico-Humacao April 2000
Sequence Analysis: From Phenetics to Phylogeny of Microbes’
University of Puerto Rico-Humacao and Mayagüez, April 1999
‘Molecular Ecology Techniques For Microbial Communities in Environmental Samples’
University of Puerto Rico-Humacao April 1998
‘Molecular Techniques in the Microbial Ecology of Bioremediation’
University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez, April 1997
MICBIO 440 - Microbial Ecology and Evolution (co-taught with K. DeAngelis)
A new senior level course designed to introduce students to evolutionary aspects of microbes and ecological principals applied to microbial lifestyles, based on peer reviewed literature and lectures.
MICBIO 562 - Environmental Biotechnology
A new senior/graduate level laboratory course designed to introduce students to traditional and molecular methods strategically applied to problems related to microbial biotechnology and environmental microbiology.
MICBIO 597E - Environmental Microbiology (co-taught with K. DeAngelis)
A new senior/graduate level lecture course designed to introduce students of biology and environmental sciences to the vital roles that microbes play in sustaining life on Earth.
ENVSCI 535 - Methods of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Laboratory (co-taught)
A new laboratory segment on microbial bioremediation of herbicides within a team taught course for senior level undergraduates in the Environmental Sciences program.
MICBIO 311 - Foundations in Microbiology (for Microbiology Majors; co-taught with S. Sandler)
Overview of the microbial world including an introduction to microbial physiology, ecology, genetics, and pathogenesis.
MICBIO 197K - Microbes in the Environment (co-taught with S. Goodwin)
A new undergraduate level lecture course designed to introduce students to the vital roles that microbes play in sustaining life on Earth.
IE 494W - Integrated Experience: Microbes and Climate Change
An interactive overview of microbial involvement in greenhouse gas development and consumption, and all aspects to understand it using the undergraduate STEM education.
Existing Courses Taught
MICBIO 680 - Advanced Microbial Physiology (co-taught with J. Holden)
Detailed microbial physiology for graduate students including newest publications. Includes proposal preparation and defense.
MICBIO 480 - Microbial Diversity and Physiology (co-taught with B. Compton)
Microbial physiology for upper undergraduates and an overview of all aspects of microbial diversity.
MICBIO 310 - General Microbiology (co-taught with M. Walkowicz)
Overview of the microbial world including an introduction to microbial physiology, ecology, genetics, and pathogenesis.
MICBIO 312 - General Microbiology Laboratory
An undergaduate lab course focusing on basic methods of enrichment, isolation of bacterial and fungal species, with overviews on spore formation, bacteriophages, motility, mutations and enzyme induction.
MICBIO 255 - Introduction to Medical Microbiology
Basic concepts of microbiology with emphasis on microbial pathogenesis and immunology.
Journal Seminars
MICBIO 697D- Microbiology of Acid Mine Drainage Journal Club
A interdisciplinary graduate level discussion session on recent publications related to the microbiology, geochemistry, and hydrology of acidic mine drainage.
MICBIO 797E- Microbial Ecology Journal Club
A graduate level discussion session on recent publications related to microbial ecology and applied environmental microbiology.
MICBIO 797B- Microbial Aspects of BioGeochemistry Journal Club
An interdisciplinary graduate level discussion session on recent publications related to the impact of microbes on biogeochemical processes.
MICBIO 791A – Departmental Seminar Series
Our Department has a seminar series where invited speakers and Graduate students present and discuss their most recent findings in weekly meetings. All Graduate students attend.
‘Microbial Diversity and Metagenomics: Science, Technology, & Applications’
Short Course Quito, Ecuador October 2009
‘Molecular Microbial Ecology Approaches to Bioremediation Techniques’
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. August 2003
‘Application of Molecular Probes in Microbial Ecology’
University of Puerto Rico-Humacao April 2000
Sequence Analysis: From Phenetics to Phylogeny of Microbes’
University of Puerto Rico-Humacao and Mayagüez, April 1999
‘Molecular Ecology Techniques For Microbial Communities in Environmental Samples’
University of Puerto Rico-Humacao April 1998
‘Molecular Techniques in the Microbial Ecology of Bioremediation’
University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez, April 1997