Nüsslein Lab News
August 2021--Tow new manuscripts are now available online at Applied and Environmental Microbiology and at Molecular Ecology.
June 2021-- Emily Bechtold is presenting her newest completed work on phylosymbiosis at the World Microbe Forum this month.
June 2021-- David Ahlberg successfully passed his Preliminary Examination.
June 2021-- Emily Bechtold's manuscript "Evolutionary History Impacts Phyllosphere Community Assembly on Forage Grasses" was submitted and also placed on BioRxiv.
May 2021-- Emily Bechtold's manuscript "Phyllosphere Community Assembly and Response to Drought Stress on Common Tropical and Temperate Forage Grasses" was accepted at Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Two of the coauthors are former undergraduate students from our group, Stephanie Ryan and Sarah Moughan.
May 2021-- Former graduate student Daniel Lammel 's manuscript "Soil biota shift with land use change from pristine rainforest and Savannah (Cerrado) to agriculture in southern Amazonia" was accepted at Molecular Ecology on work we had done in collaboration with the Rillig Lab at the Freie University of Berlin.
April 2021-- Brenda Genium received the William Lee Science Impact Program Scholarship and will join our research group this summer for a research project on Turf Grass Drought Resistance together with the plant physiology lab of Michelle DaCosta.
November 2020-- Former visiting graduate student Leandro Fonseca presented the work he did with us at the ISME Virtual Microbial Ecology Summit
November 2020-- The College of Natural Resources has picked our press release for their showcasing
October 2020-- A UMass Press Release announces the release of our newest publication in ISME J.
Amazon Deforestation Stimulates Soil Microbes to Produce More Greenhouse Gases
A team of researchers led by microbiologists Klaus Nüsslein and Marie Kroeger say in a new report that they have pinpointed the source – methane-producing microorganisms – for large amounts of methane emitted from rainforest-turned-cattle-pasture in Brazil’s Amazon region.
September 2020-- Klaus becomes GPD to fill in for Prof. Yasu Morita
June 2020-- David Ahlberg joins our lab as a new PhD Graduate student
May 2020-- Emily Bechtold sets up her large outdoor research project here in Massachusetts since CoVid-19 prevents us from traveling to Brazil this year.
October 2019-- Klaus was invited to present a research seminar the 30th Brazilian Congress of Microbiology in Maceio, Brazil.
September 2019-- David Abraham and Simon Chiang joined our research group as undergraduate researchers.
August 2019--Emily completed her first drought experiment in the field at the UMass Crop and Animal Research and Education Farm.
May 2019-- Visiting graduate student Leandro Fonseca presents his successful research done over the last six months at our lab.
April 2019-- Marie defended her PhD and will be starting a job at Los Alamos National Laboratory in June!
January 2019-- Emily was selected to speak at the Pioneer Valley Microbiology Symposium.
January 2019-- Emily presented her research at the Environmental Conservation Graduate Student Symposium where she was awarded "Best Talk" and "Audience Choice" in her session.
December 2018 -- Emily was awarded the Lotta M. Crabtree Fellowship.
December 2018-- Emily was awarded the UMass Dissertation Fieldwork Grant to study how drought affects microbial communities on pasture grasslands in Brazil.
November 2018 -- Visiting graduate student Leandro Fonseca from the University of Sao Paulo arrives for a six months stay.
August 2018 -- Klaus and Marie attended ISME 2018 in Leipzig, Germany.
July 2018 -- The first paper from Marie's doctoral thesis titled "New Biological Insights Into How Deforestation in Amazonia Affects Soil Microbial Communities Using Metagenomics and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes" was published in Frontiers of Microbiology!
May/June 2018 -- The lab moved again, this time to a completely renovated lab space with a wall of windows.
January 2018 -- Sarah Moughan joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher!
December 2017 -- Marie received the UMass Dissertation Research Grant to investigate the atmospheric methane oxidizing bacteria in Amazon soil
October 2017 -- Luke Gibney and Stephanie Ryan joined the lab. Luke will be working to understand how land use change alters the active methanogens in the Amazon. Stephanie will be investigating the impact of drought and heat-stress on the phyllosphere of Amazon grasses.
September 2017 -- Rachel Feldman, an undergraduate in Microbiology joined the lab and will be working to understand how land use change alters the active methanotrophs in the Amazon.
July 2017 -- Emily Bechtold joined the lab! Welcome Emily! She will be researching the phyllosphere of Amazonian grasses.
April 2017 -- Alex Thompson and Kiran Khan presented a poster at the 23rd Annual Statewide Undergraduate Research Conference on the effects of land use change on methanogenic microbial communities in the Brazilian Amazon
April 2017 -- Kiran Khan will be beginning pharmacy school at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in the fall.
April 2017 -- Alex Thompson (undergraduate researcher) accepted a position after graduation at the Boston's Children's Hospital.
September 2016 -- Marie was awarded one of the Terragenome travel awards to speak at the Soil Metagenomics conference this December in Germany.
June 2016 -- Klaus went to the Amazon to collect soil samples! Check for pictures soon!
January 2016 - -Marie Kroeger was awarded the Lotta M. Crabtree Fellowship
October 2015 -- Ciara Rea joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher
September 2015 -- Dr. Muhammad Arif Ali joined the lab for one year as a Fulbright Scholar
August 2015 -- Marie Kroeger joined the lab as a PhD student
July 2015 -- Dan Yip awarded MS degree
January 2015 -- NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity grant awarded (Integrating Dimensions of Microbial Biodiversity across Land Use Change in Tropical Forests)
August 2021--Tow new manuscripts are now available online at Applied and Environmental Microbiology and at Molecular Ecology.
June 2021-- Emily Bechtold is presenting her newest completed work on phylosymbiosis at the World Microbe Forum this month.
June 2021-- David Ahlberg successfully passed his Preliminary Examination.
June 2021-- Emily Bechtold's manuscript "Evolutionary History Impacts Phyllosphere Community Assembly on Forage Grasses" was submitted and also placed on BioRxiv.
May 2021-- Emily Bechtold's manuscript "Phyllosphere Community Assembly and Response to Drought Stress on Common Tropical and Temperate Forage Grasses" was accepted at Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Two of the coauthors are former undergraduate students from our group, Stephanie Ryan and Sarah Moughan.
May 2021-- Former graduate student Daniel Lammel 's manuscript "Soil biota shift with land use change from pristine rainforest and Savannah (Cerrado) to agriculture in southern Amazonia" was accepted at Molecular Ecology on work we had done in collaboration with the Rillig Lab at the Freie University of Berlin.
April 2021-- Brenda Genium received the William Lee Science Impact Program Scholarship and will join our research group this summer for a research project on Turf Grass Drought Resistance together with the plant physiology lab of Michelle DaCosta.
November 2020-- Former visiting graduate student Leandro Fonseca presented the work he did with us at the ISME Virtual Microbial Ecology Summit
November 2020-- The College of Natural Resources has picked our press release for their showcasing
October 2020-- A UMass Press Release announces the release of our newest publication in ISME J.
Amazon Deforestation Stimulates Soil Microbes to Produce More Greenhouse Gases
A team of researchers led by microbiologists Klaus Nüsslein and Marie Kroeger say in a new report that they have pinpointed the source – methane-producing microorganisms – for large amounts of methane emitted from rainforest-turned-cattle-pasture in Brazil’s Amazon region.
September 2020-- Klaus becomes GPD to fill in for Prof. Yasu Morita
June 2020-- David Ahlberg joins our lab as a new PhD Graduate student
May 2020-- Emily Bechtold sets up her large outdoor research project here in Massachusetts since CoVid-19 prevents us from traveling to Brazil this year.
October 2019-- Klaus was invited to present a research seminar the 30th Brazilian Congress of Microbiology in Maceio, Brazil.
September 2019-- David Abraham and Simon Chiang joined our research group as undergraduate researchers.
August 2019--Emily completed her first drought experiment in the field at the UMass Crop and Animal Research and Education Farm.
May 2019-- Visiting graduate student Leandro Fonseca presents his successful research done over the last six months at our lab.
April 2019-- Marie defended her PhD and will be starting a job at Los Alamos National Laboratory in June!
January 2019-- Emily was selected to speak at the Pioneer Valley Microbiology Symposium.
January 2019-- Emily presented her research at the Environmental Conservation Graduate Student Symposium where she was awarded "Best Talk" and "Audience Choice" in her session.
December 2018 -- Emily was awarded the Lotta M. Crabtree Fellowship.
December 2018-- Emily was awarded the UMass Dissertation Fieldwork Grant to study how drought affects microbial communities on pasture grasslands in Brazil.
November 2018 -- Visiting graduate student Leandro Fonseca from the University of Sao Paulo arrives for a six months stay.
August 2018 -- Klaus and Marie attended ISME 2018 in Leipzig, Germany.
July 2018 -- The first paper from Marie's doctoral thesis titled "New Biological Insights Into How Deforestation in Amazonia Affects Soil Microbial Communities Using Metagenomics and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes" was published in Frontiers of Microbiology!
May/June 2018 -- The lab moved again, this time to a completely renovated lab space with a wall of windows.
January 2018 -- Sarah Moughan joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher!
December 2017 -- Marie received the UMass Dissertation Research Grant to investigate the atmospheric methane oxidizing bacteria in Amazon soil
October 2017 -- Luke Gibney and Stephanie Ryan joined the lab. Luke will be working to understand how land use change alters the active methanogens in the Amazon. Stephanie will be investigating the impact of drought and heat-stress on the phyllosphere of Amazon grasses.
September 2017 -- Rachel Feldman, an undergraduate in Microbiology joined the lab and will be working to understand how land use change alters the active methanotrophs in the Amazon.
July 2017 -- Emily Bechtold joined the lab! Welcome Emily! She will be researching the phyllosphere of Amazonian grasses.
April 2017 -- Alex Thompson and Kiran Khan presented a poster at the 23rd Annual Statewide Undergraduate Research Conference on the effects of land use change on methanogenic microbial communities in the Brazilian Amazon
April 2017 -- Kiran Khan will be beginning pharmacy school at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in the fall.
April 2017 -- Alex Thompson (undergraduate researcher) accepted a position after graduation at the Boston's Children's Hospital.
September 2016 -- Marie was awarded one of the Terragenome travel awards to speak at the Soil Metagenomics conference this December in Germany.
June 2016 -- Klaus went to the Amazon to collect soil samples! Check for pictures soon!
January 2016 - -Marie Kroeger was awarded the Lotta M. Crabtree Fellowship
October 2015 -- Ciara Rea joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher
September 2015 -- Dr. Muhammad Arif Ali joined the lab for one year as a Fulbright Scholar
August 2015 -- Marie Kroeger joined the lab as a PhD student
July 2015 -- Dan Yip awarded MS degree
January 2015 -- NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity grant awarded (Integrating Dimensions of Microbial Biodiversity across Land Use Change in Tropical Forests)
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